A small summary of the features found in TERMINATE, the final terminal. Fax-manager: Fax Modes Class 1, Class 2 and CAS: fully featured fax program including sending, receiving, viewing, printing, encrypting, multi-fax; TSR receive in background, supports baudrates 2400-14400. Built-in protocols: ASCII, Xmodem, Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Zmodem, ZedZap, Kermit, QuickB+ Direct support for the following external protocols: Mpt/Puma, Bimodem, HsLink, SuperZmodem, Lynx, vFAST, Jmodem, Giflink, Smodem, Hydracom, IceZmodem. Communications: Support for UART, Fossil, Interrupt 14h (for networks) and Digiboard. Automatic detection of IRQ, modem speed and modem chip. Terminal emulations: Avatar, ANSI/ANSI-music, VT52, VT100, VT102, TTY and combinations. HOST Mini-BBS: A complete Mini-BBS System, ready to run! Complete with ANSI/ASCII menu's. Sypports over 10,000 file areas with over 100,000 files per area! Makes an excellent Support system. Mailer: A complete 2-way Mailer with configurable events, automatic file request processing, and much more. Email: QWK-compatible offline reader. Complete Fidonet mailreader/tosser /scanner. Auto-login: Predefined miniscripts allow you to log onto most systems without ever creating a script. IEMSI fully automates logins. Cost calculation: Advanced cost calculation in several international currencies. Maximum cost per call and per day. Cost calculation for the last 12 months with extensive reporting. Phone directory: Import from many other terminal programs. Import and export of comma files. Import of bulletin board lists and nodelists (complete or by segments). Voice calls. Sorting in 12 different ways. Copying and moving of entries between phonebooks. Note files. Capture files. SmartNote: Advanced screen grabbing and saving in ASCII note files with dozens of features specially made to use with INTERNET connections. No more small pieces of paper lying around! Use Turbo Search to quickly search through your notefiles, retrieve the information and transmit it as if you had typed it yourself. Online manuals: 140 pages of extensive context-sensitive and jargon-free information by just pressing F1. Available in 10 languages: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Turkish. Other important features: File Tagger and File Tag Manager, complete File Commander, ANSI Scrollback Buffer, System Information, VISIBLE FAST menu, Hostmode with callback function, Chat mode, Translation Editor, Keyboard Editor, CDROM Audio CD Player, Blind Support, many Encryption and Security features and an impressive check of approx. 1000 bad passwords. and much much more to come....